Depression is not … what it looks like. And yes … I would even dare to define it as a … blessing.  … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru  




I started to write the book …. “Depression … the gateway to the real happiness” … trying to understanding the unhappiness from my own soul … but also trying to guide myself to get out from such a mental state.

I saw depression lots of times … all around myself … somehow being afraid of it … but also realizing it is not …. what it looks like.

Today …. analyzing my own case …. I realize it is a signal … that says we were unhappy …. for too many days into the row.

Just a signal … whispering us … a very important message … that we should not … ignore.

But … we are afraid of it.

We try to hide it … and even pretend the opposite… that we are … happy.

Well … until the day when we finally understand that life is too short to waste it … delaying on and on and on … to live it … the real way we should live.

Time is passing … and situation is not improving.


Days are passing … then weeks … then months .. then even … years.

We simple can’t understand that … we need a change so that this ugly vibe could be metamorphosed … into a beautiful one.

And we delay …. the change.

I’ve done like that … same as many others from the scene of my life.

Instead of living in a beautiful way … i just lived being … unhappy … and i think that all it was cause i was too coward to define … my feelings.

I could simple say … “Yes! I am unhappy … or even depressive… “, but i could not do it.

I simple could not do it.

This delay … ruined lots of days of my life.

But it’s ok.

All it’s ok ….

I simple had to continue … life.

Most probably one day … i will know what i will have to do.

Time will reveal me … all the secrets of life … and i will find out … the new paths … i will need to follow.

Understanding that unhappiness…. and not even the depression … is not something negative … is one of the first steps …. for my own evolution …

Realizing it …

Making plans … for getting rid of it …

Life continues … anyway …

And living this ugly story of unhappiness on and on and on … we end up realizing we need to simple stop … and ask ourselves … why things are like that.


So … the question remains … can we metamorphose unhappiness into happiness?!

Can we change … all those ugly feelings from our souls?!

Well … most probably if we would understand that … in a second … all could suddenly be changed … yes.

We just need to … believe it.

Analyzing unhappiness and depression… defining into the end that it’s useless to live like that … it’s probably the only key … for starting a redefine life.














I continue my philosophical journey … not being able to define myself for clear as a writer or an essayist… but …

Well …. most probably… i am on a good path.

And … i would dare to recommend to everyone … all what i am doing today.





Download the book ”Depression ... the gateway to the real happinesswritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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