Unfortunately ... with money ... you can buy almost everyone  ...by romanian author Adrian Dumitru  





So ... i dare to ask myself ... what is my price?!

Well is simple ... cause looking at the amount of money which allows me to continue making compromises ... i just ... see the truth.

So ... i have a certain price.

Like ... everyone else.

With money ... you can buy me.

Same ... as you buy ... a prostitute.

And ... with money ... i can buy you too.

It was always like that.

It is maybe .... just a small difference of price between us ... but the philosophical message is the same.

So .... what is my price?!

Well ... the answer is somehow irrelevant ... but as long as i have a price ... which could buy my integrity ... i dare to ask myself ... with honesty ... what is really the difference between me and a prostitute?!

Most ... certainly none.

If money ... can buy us ... it's bad.

And .. i don't want to offend you ... cause i don't know you ... but i know that money ... can buy my soul.


It was always like that.

I dare to admit it.

To admit that i am like ... a prostitute.

Maybe ... the difference between me and you is that i came to a certain level of honesty ... while watching into the mirror and speaking with myself.

So .... I guess is bad.

Anything that corrupts us ... can't bring anything good into our lives and most certainly ... is the clear signal that we are still on a pathless path.

But ... this is how the human being is.

I am a human being.

I am ... like others ... just a prostitute ... and it's bad ... i know it.

But ... unfortunately ... it all became an obvious truth.




Download the book ”INSERT COIN

...and the Universe will give whatever you dream about.
The real philosophy beyond motivation” written by the author writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.



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